Created by Sandy Nene
Executive and Content Producer: SamaJobe
Photo: supplied
Why Radio?
I landed into radio industry by accident, I'll say that, because I was the person who loves academics mostly. I never wanted to leave campus, I was seeing myself only studying. So I just seeing myself being that academic person and it what makes me feel content. Until of course I had challenges with my studies and there was this certain subject that I had to take it to remarking because I was unhappy with my results. So I got bored because I was doing nothing waiting for that process to be done because I was not able to do anything without my results.
I heard about Radio DUT auditions and I went there, I made it to finals and the journey became interesting for me because I made it to the finals without any experience. So I told myself that maybe there might be something in me, I applied to Vibe FM and Inanda fm. Unfortunately Inanda fm did not respond but Vibe FM did and that’s how I got the 9 to 12 slot. One thing I’m sure about is that I’ve always loved presenting, since from high school to University I was good in public speaking.
Which other radio stations have you worked for?
None! I've never worked for a radio station ever, I'm fresh from University. I'm just a Scientist. (Laughing).
Did you study radio?
Never! Nope, I've never.
Besides radio, what other projects are you currently busy or involved with?
I have a Non-profit organization, my foundation which is Noxolo Princesslortts Foundation. This foundation is about my interests, things that I like but mostly it is about what I believe my purpose is on earth. So that’s how I came with the foundation because it really has to be something that I connect with. I believe so much in purpose, I really believe in that I have a purpose on earth. This is where I do a lot of things and it helps in the community.
I started with Grooming Icons Foundation before Noxolo Princesslortts Foundation because I wanted to groom icons and I did, I’m still doing that because these kids are growing. I’m still in contact with some of them, they are asking me things and I’m able to assist them and I’m proud of what are they becoming.
People should just follow the page of the organization because I am currently working on something very useful. Another thing that I'm actually doing, oh my God! It's actually Sales, I just got into sales industry and it's a matter of me growing myself in terms of sales and how to do this thing. I'm actually a Sales representative.
I also go to career expo and talk to kids and I love that, I’m willing to do that guys because I believe in iNkunzi isematholeni. I wouldn’t say this is a project but I do program directing, recently been approached by this other company that they want me to handle their social media, I’m a voice over artist and a brand ambassador. I’m doing a lot but I feel like just to mention this.
Photo: Supplied
Who is your South African Radio icon?
Dudu Khoza, I don’t know why I just love her and I think mostly it’s because of her resilience and how long she have survived radio. It’s not easy, people get fired or anything happens to their careers but she’s been able to sustain and maintain it. I like how creative she is as well.
The picture above is Dudu LadyD Khoza. Photo:
What can we expect from you in the next Five years?
I really don't wanna say much, I'm not that kind of person. They say "don't count your Chickens before your eggs hatch," I'm that type of person. One thing I can tell you guys is that I'm still going to be a Ghost! And you guys won't see me coming! A lot of people are going to be surprised, that is my promise in the next five years.
How often do you listen to other radio stations and which radio station do you usually listens to?
To be honest, Noxolo is not a fan of Radio. Yes guys, I’m being very honest, I’m not a fan of Radio but I listen to radio if I get to the house and it’s on. I’d listen to anything that is playing, the reason that makes me not want to listen to radio is because when I listen to radio I end up sound like the last radio presenter I listened to. So I decided to stop because I wanted to be original and authentic, I wanted to be myself. The only thing I do to update my radio knowledge is to read online journals from trusted sources.
Photo: Supplied
What has working on radio has taught you?
It has taught me a number of things, being on radio I was able to learn that I can be an event host, MC, program director, facilitator. I actually got to discover this skill about me. I got to know that I can be a voice over artist and make money out of it, I discovered that I can actually start attracting brands and become a brand ambassador. Another thing it has taught me punctuality, being prepared because as a radio presenter you have to be able to verify information and do research.
What advice can you give to aspiring radio broadcasters?
Wow, what I can say is be authentic, authenticity is important, be original, be you and stop faking other people. Be yourself, I'm the one person who don't believe in role models. Noxolo has no role model, but I have people who inspire me. This thing of having a role model is dangerous because you end up doing like that person, the industry is looking for someone different and you yourself, whoever you are, come as you are and be original. Another thing I'd say to people is, do radio because you love it not because there's money. To be quite honest, I'd be lying if I say there's money in Radio, this is my third year on radio but I won't say there's money on radio. So do radio because you love it not because you want money. Be an educated radio presenter, please go and study guys.